(Best) (Mi)stake(s)

2 komentar

I've already promised her, sir...
What's kinda promise... 
 I promised her, to help her make mistakes...

Short conversation after Park Cha Oh Reum and  Han-presiding judge in JTBC's drama, Miss Hammurabi, between the Han-presiding judge and Im Ba Reun warmed my heart. Im defends Park who made a lot of mistakes in order make a better world with her. His answer however made Han laughed really hard and let his right and left judges did whatever they want.

Sometimes, in life, we made a lot of mistakes like  Park does. We thought that we can do whatever in making a better world. However, not every mistake are best mistakes. What? Best mistake?

Best mistakes are every mistake that we can't regret it in life, on other hands, we can't help to be really grateful for the mistakes. For everyone, we have our own best mistakes in life to make it and feel grateful for them. And also, we have people around us that can help in our hard time like Im did to Park. 

My best mistake in life, perhaps around my 20s. 20s have been really hard, but I need to endure it. To see flower blossoms, you need to endure every pain even though the pains are unbearable. At first, making mistake in life can be seen as an attempt to embarrassed yourself that you cant handle your sane thought. But realizing we have our own different paths in life, we need to face the reality by... mistake. Mistake help us grow and give a stop to pursue what we want to do in life, Best mistakes are our decision after the problem occurs, we can let it go or hold it until you can reach your own goal. 

So, dont worry about the greater amount of pressure after doing something wrong or mistake, perhaps that wrong decision is our best mistakes to lead us into a new journey in life. Knowing yourself will be better after mistake.     

2 komentar

  1. Hai Ki, makasih ya udah mampir blog jombloku.com. maaf agak agak lupa wajahmu haha.. maklum, udah tuaan nih.

    1. hehehe iya,Mbak gapapa... masih di Surabaya kah?
