The morning was my nightmare.
I woke up with peevish feeling, didn't want to wake up and do
my morning routine. Especially in Monday, facing traffic jam, hot and humid
weather, also juggling between work and personal interests with family in the
between. Ah, big duh!
There’s an Indonesia children song called ‘Bangun Tidur’ or
Wake Up that I usually sing it so I can have a very nice motivation to do my
morning routine.
Bangun tidur ku terus
Tidak lupa menggosok
Habis mandi ku bantu
Membersihkan tempat
I sing it in my mind several times, like a magic spell. Having a morning bath after waking up is my
another obstacle in the morning. Living in Surabaya, Indonesia, you need to
adapt to hot and humid weather also their groundwater. For some new faces in
Surabaya, they have some allergic issues to this city’s groundwater. Sometimes
they use filtered-water for their bathing needs. One of my dear friends used
gallons of mineral water for bathing because she’s suffered water allergy from
its groundwater. I also have difficulties that my home groundwater smells
really bad that it should be, sometimes will be solved by using a very traditional
water-filtering system.
That’s when KITA GMP program invites influencer,
merchandiser, and consumer to get know Korean newest innovative product that
would be launched for the international market. A product named IONSPA BATH 1000
attracted me in KITA GMP’s season 2 product preview. Why?
For the very first time in forever, I’ve just known a bath shower
that I can bring along while I’m traveling. Available in three trendy colors which are black, emerald, and living coral,
IONSPA BATH 1000 has elegant packaging and great also simple design, suit young
customer preferences. IONSPA BATH 1000 package includes a portable head shower, a
GEL-LITE water filter back up if the old one's broken, and a manual book for installation. I randomly asked my
family members and friends about its design, they said it’s really suitable to
carry around since the access to clean and filtered groundwater are rare.
However, it makes concern for us that IONSPA BATH 1000 doesn't have a
customizable pouch since bring IONSPA BATH 1000’s package box seems
uncomfortable for traveling purpose.
Using IONSPA Bath 1000 for the first time, at first, my
groundwater’s still polluted, but several seconds, it turns out to be clean and
didn't smell at all. I really like the idea about 8 stage water filter in the
body shower because it reduces smell and also moisturizing the skin. In the
first week, I have less reddish skin after bathing. My pores seem smaller than
before till Day 7. The water resulted from IONSPA BATH 1000 has moisturized and
ionized effect the same with what they promoted. In the second week, I’ve got less
dandruff, a plus one for me because I’ve just known that my groundwater is under
quality for my skin and hair treatments. My skin looks more glowing than before
I used IONSPA BATH 1000 in a month. I can comfortably use the product in the morning and night because I feel so relaxed and calm, enjoying my bath before
and after my activities.

IONSPA BATH 1000’s promotional website, social media, and
manual book need to be translated into Simple English since there’s a lot of technical terms to explain how the benefits of the product. The product explanations
in have a better explanation than the company’s promotional tools,
making the international consumer feel anxious to find out and learn about the
product in the company’s promotional tools before purchasing. Social media and
website of the company need to maintain regularly since the consumer will be
asking some questions before and after purchasing. It’d be a great help if a company representative for the consumer has good ability to communicate in
understandable English since there’s a lot of technical terms in this product.
The competitors have a great website and social media presence, available in
English, their own language, and also sometimes
in Bahasa Indonesia. The consumer can discuss the product through the
company representative both online and also an offline channel for better
Overall, I really like the design of body shower and also packaging and delivery service to their respective consumer.
However, my biggest concerns are how the product will be present in
international market since the presence of website, social media, and manual
book of the company and product seem hard to learn since in Korean, except
the explanation in is great job. The product needs a big impact on
be introduced to the public since it would’ve been hard to compete with
international brands and the habits of the consumer, especially in Indonesia who
don’t use shower regularly. A better brand ambassador and endorser who related
to everyday’s life such as Instagram influencer, youtube star, and family idol that known internationally or suit the targeted market and can
deliver great promotions will be a better chance to push the company and
product image to the international market.
wah, recommended ini yak.
BalasHapusboleh dicoba euy
recommended banget bagi yang tinggal di Surabaya dan butuh air yang bersih sehingga ga alergi kulit karena air, Mbak. kuy lah di coba :)
HapusUntungnya browserku aq setting otomatis translet ke Bahasa Indonesia, jadi sedikit ngerti apa yg disampaikan. Di desa saya kayaknya perlu banget Ionspa ini karena airnya gak bening, cuma harganya terlalu menguras kantong
BalasHapusuntung ya, mbak... maafkan pakai bahasa Inggris karena permintaan dari programnya yang mensyaratkan artikel berbahasa Inggris.
HapusHarganya memang kurang kompetitif dan jatuhnya kemahalan karena filternya itu huhuhu sedih kan ya padahal membantu banget untuk menjernihkan air tanpa pasang filter kain
sudah lama aku tak berbahasa Inggris membuatku takut menulis kembali, terimakasih sudah berkunjung kesini
BalasHapusWidiw keren bgt nulis panjang pake bahasa inggris..
BalasHapusBtw ini bisa jadi solusi ya untuk air pdam yg kadang2 keruh..
Tapi harus nabung dulu ni..
bisa nih dicoba kalau lagi pengen showeran di rumah, biar showeran nggga cuman pas nginep di hotel mulu hehe
BalasHapusWajib punya buat yg rumahnya rawan air bersih seperti surabaya Sidoarjo yg kadang2 mbutek i gitu airnya. Tapi...nabung dulu lah ya
BalasHapuswahh perlu banget kita.. Saya pun pengen bangwt tapi ya..
BalasHapusAku baru tahu ada produk kayak gini.. hehe.. Showernya bisa dibawa kemana2 ya.. jadi kemanapun tetep bisa mandi sehat
BalasHapusShower kaya gini penting ya, apalagi bisa dibawa ke mana-mana sehingga pas di tempat yg airnya kurang oke, kita enggak terkena dampak buruknya. (widyantiyuliandari)